“My work explores our relationship with technology and the utopian and dystopian manifestations of our digital present. I’m interested in the divide between our virtual lives and physical bodies and how global networks influence our identities, politics and collective perception of reality. I translate these curiosities and perceptions through the use of video, performance, sound and installation, often seeking to create an immersive and encompassing experience for the viewer.”


Unnur Andrea Einarsdóttir is an Icelandic visual artist and musician. In her work she explores our relationship with technology and the utopian and dystopian manifestations of our digital present. It investigates the divide between our virtual lives and physical bodies, and how global networks influence our identities, societies and collective perception of reality. Unnur Andrea works mainly with video, performance and installation, often seeking to create an immersive and encompassing experience for the viewer. As a singer and music producer, the sonic elements remain an important and central factor in most of her work. Unnur Andrea has exhibited at the ARS electronica festival (Linz), the Meta.Morf biennale (Trondheim), Reykjavík Art Museum and Atelier Nord (Oslo) to name a few. Her work has traveled considerably and has been shown in more than 30 countries around the globe. Unnur holds a master’s degree in fine arts from Kunstakademiet I Trondheim and has received grants and stipends from Norske Billedkunstnere, Myndstef, Myndlistarsjóður, Kulturrådet and the Trondheim Municipality culture funds.


(visual arts)


2017- 2019             Master of the Arts from Kunstakademiet i Trondheim 

2002- 2005           Bachelor of the Arts in Fine Arts from the Icelandic Academy of the Arts


Solo exhibitions

2025 Galleri Stétt, Reykjavík (upcoming)

2024 Technoflesh- in collaboration with Panja Göbel, Babel visningsrom for kunst, Meta.Morf biennale, Trondheim

2021                        Ontolica, Midpunkt, Reykjavík

2021                        Galleri Blunk, Trondheim 

2016                        One is on, Skaftfell Art Center, Seyðisfjörður

2008                       Melanincholia, Gallery Lost Horse, Reykjavík

2008                       Gallerí Dvergur, Reykjavík


Group exhibitions (selected) 

2025 Animal, Avatar, Machine - Svavarsafn, Höfn í Hornafirði

2024                        The irreplacable human, Louisiana Museum of Modern art, Copenhagen

2024                        Doza Gallery, Sofia art week, Bulgaria

2023                         Meatigation- More meat, less meat, Trondheim Kunstmuseum     

2023                         Snertipunktur, Mokka kaffi, Reykjavík

2022                         Zoe Séance, Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, Germany    

2022                         Sommerutstilling LKV, Babel visningsrom for Kunst, Trondheim

2022                         Dirrrty, Pretty, Galleri Schaeffers gate 5, Oslo

2021                          LINZ FMR - Art in Digital Contexts and Public Spaces, Linz, Austria

2021 Look at me/ Look through me, Tempe #6, Trondheim

2020                         FY FAEN SÅ DIGITAL!, Female Artistic Experiments Norway, Online 

2020                         THE WILD STATE, ARS Electronica, Linz, Austria

2020                         LKV tar over, Babel visningsrom for Kunst, Trondheim 

2020                         The Digital Wild, Galleri KiT, Meta.Morf biennale X, Trondheim, Norway 

2019                          FAEN (Female Artistic Experiments Norway), Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway 

2019                          EVA, BACC- Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

2019                          Bridges are Burning, Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Trondheim, Norway

2018                          Switch, Gallery KiT, Trondheim, Norway

2016                         RÍKI- flóra, fána, fabúla, Reykjavik Art Museum, Reykjavik

2015                          Hladilen Zavod MRAZ, DOMA Art Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria

2015                          Villa Incognito, curated by Deli Projects, Villa Renata, Basel, Switzerland

2013                          Remake- rethinking media art in collaborative environments, Brno House of Arts, Brno, Chech Republik

2010                          Get Reykjavík- art and music festival, Ó. Johnson og Kaaber húsið, Reykjavik

2007                          Sequences – Real time art festival, Lost horse Gallery, Reykjavik

2007                          Selfportrait- a show for Bethlehem- a show for Peace, Al Kahf Art Gallery, Bethlehem, Palestine

2006                          The End, Sequences festival, The Living Arts Museum, Reykjavík

2006                          Opening of the Lost Horse Gallery, Lost Horse Gallery, Reykjavik

2006                          Image vs. Music, Cologne Off - 2nd Cologne Online Film Festival, Videochannel, Cologne, Germany

2006                          PI 5 Festival, National Museum Szczecin & Officyna Art Space, Szczecin, Polland

2005                          Dagskrá, Gallerie Public, París, France

2005                          Grassroad, Living Arts Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland



2023 Leftovers, Nýlistasafn Íslands, Reykjavík

2023 Hamraborg Festival, Kópavogur

2022                          Glasshouse, Rostock, Germany

2022                          Muffathalle telematic performance, Muffathalle, Munich, Germany

2021                          Uploading the human, Diku artistic research week, Dokkhuset, Trondheim

2021                          Apex Anima & FRZNTE- Comissioned work - Pop Kultur Festival, Berlin

2020                         Hendelser Havnelangs, Nyhavna, Trondheim

2020                         All Womens Networked Jam Session (AWNJS), Sound Campus, ARS Electronica, Linz, Austria

2020                         Corona improv sessions, Kepler’s Garden, ARS Electronica, Linz, Austria

2020                         'Oh, everything is so Hard!' Aarhus fArtspace, (online exhibition)

2020                         AR:KiT - Creativity In Crisis, AR:KiT channel (online event)

2018                          Real-time audio- visual improvisation with All Womens Networked Jam Session (AWNJS) in collaborations with WONOMUTE, Trondheim

2018                          Chicks on Speed, Meta.Morf - Trondheim Biennale for Art & Technology, Trondheim

2017                          Galleri KiT, Trondheim

2017                          Winter solstice festival, Oslo

2017                          Colonia Nova, Berlin

2016                          Sound performance with Helmut Geldmacher, opening at Keep Frozen by Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, Leipzig

2015                          Manisensations- performative event ritualisation, LEAP Gallery, Berlin

2014                          The Schaefer, Dóttir Dóttir pop- up project, Berlin

2011                           Moments of Joyful Degradation, Kling and Bang / Villa Reykjavík, Reykjavík


Film/ Video screenings (selected)

2024                         ASVOFF 16 - A Shaded View On Fashion Film, Paris

2023                         KiT presentation, Sonar D+ project space, Sonar, Barcelona

2023                         Meatigation: More meat, less meat, symposium at Vippa, Oslo

2022                         Invisible Nexus -Art and moving images from Trondheim to Ramallah, Palestine

2020                         Chaos Computer Club (CCC) annual congress (online live stream)

2016                          One- minute video project, www.theoneminutes.org, Sandberg Instituut, Holland

2015                          Algera Studio, Secret Solstice Festival, Reykjavik, Iceland

2015                          Cinémathèque de Toulouse, Toulouse, France

2008                         India International Centre, New Dehli, India

2008                         Futureshorts Film Festival, Andrejsala, Riga, Latvia

2007                         NIVAF - Nagano International Video Art Festival, Nagano, Japan

2007                         MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art, Rosario, Argentina

2006                         Reykjavik in Teknacolor- Film- screenings and video installations, Tjarnarbíó, Reykjavík

2006                         Gender Identity, Cologne Off - 1st Cologne Online Film Festival, Videochannel, Cologne, Germany

2006                         PI 5 Video Festival, National Museum Szczecin & Officyna Art Space, Poland

2006                         Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas de Rosario, Argentina

2006                         8th CHROMA - Festival de Arte Audiovisual, Guadalajarra, Mexico

2006                         MAC - Museum of Contemporary Art in Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina

2006                         Casoria- Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy

2006                         Unicorn kryptonite, enView gallery, Los Angeles, USA

2006                         Simultan 02; International Experimental video/ sound Festival, Csiky Gergely, Timisoara, Romania

Projects/ Residencies/ Workshops

2021                          Next cloud residency at Servus.at- Kunst und Kultur im Netz, Austria

2019                          Workshop - FAEN (Female Artistic Experiments Norway), Oslo

2019                          Workshop - Elektronisk Bølge, Helsingør, Denmark

2018                          Residency- Karl Kunger, Berlin, Germany

2016                          Residency - Kunstnarhuset Messen, Ålvik, Norway       

2016                         Residency - Skaftfell art centre, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland

2015                          Artist of the week in Kunstschlager, Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland

2012                          Workshop by Local A in association with Gallery Lost Horse, Reykjavik


Teaching/ Research

2021                          RTAI - Real-time Telematic Audiovisual Improvisation, KiT, Research assistant

2020                        Teacher- Theatre of Making with Art and Technology task force (ARTEC), Trondheim

2020                        Teacher assistant - Art and Technology, Kunstakademiet i Trondheim

2020                        Teacher- Kulturskolen i Trondheim

2019                         Teacher assistant - Art and Technology, Kunstakademiet i Trondheim


Grants/ Stipends

2024                        Myndlistarsjóður - Project grant

2024                        Myndlistarsjóður – Travel grant

2023                        Rannís – Work stipend

2023                        Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond- Stipend

2022                        Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond – Project grant

2021                         Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond, Project grant

2021                         Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond, Biannual working stipend

 2020                       Myndstef – Project grant

2020                        Trondheim kommune- Kulturstipend Ramallah for Palestinsk kultursamarbeid 

2020                        Myndlistarsjóður - Project grant

2020                        Trondheim kommune - Kunst og kulturtiltak, Project grant

2020                        Billedkunstnernes vederlagsfond, Annual working stipend

2019                         Norwegian culture fund- Stipend for newly established artists

2019                         Myndstef – Project grant

2019                         Myndlistarsjóður - Project grant